Adobe offers Photoshop for $9.99 per month (limited deal)

Currently Adobe offers the very latest version of Photoshop (which is Photoshop CC) for just $9.99 or 12,99€ (EU zone: check your local Adobe page for details). This special deal includes Photoshop CC (including updates), Lightroom 5, 20GB of free Cloudstorage and a free premium account on The deal is limited until march may 31th June 30th 2014, so be quick! The version you get can be used for private or commercial purposes, it’s a full retail version of Photoshop!
This is probably the cheapest way to get a legal copy of one of the most useful frontend tools ever. You can pay monthly, and after one year the special price increases to $19.99 or 24,59€ per month, which is the standard price for Photoshop. Side-note: The monthly-payment model has been bashed quite much, but I think it’s a very interesting alternative to paying thousands for a full retail product, especially to keep your cash-flow low.
Note: Dev Metal does not get any money or similar for saying this.