“Belt” adds very clever everyday functions to PHP, comes with JavaScript naming styles and eventually solves the needle/haystack problem

This little projects is basically super-simple, but somehow really really clever and definitly a time-saver: Belt is a typical Composer-loaded dependency that adds a lot of useful functions “to PHP”. Some of these functions are more or less duplicates of already existing one in native PHP, buuuut they solve the common unsteady needle / haystack vs. haystack /needle parameter-order problem in PHP (and narrow to the beautiful Java / JavaScript function/method naming convention). A very interesting project, hopefully with a great future! Let’s see some examples (some examples show callable code, some show method definitions):
// returns the max value of an array Belt::max([1, 2, 3]); // => 3 // checks if arguments are equal Belt::isEqual("yeah", "nope"); // => false // flattens a multi-dimensional array Belt::flatten([1, [2, [3]]]) // => [1, 2, 3] // create an array containing a range of elements, optional with steppings Belt::range(1, 10, 2); // => 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 // returns an array containing the unique items in both arrays union($array1, $array2) // execute $closure only once and ignore future calls [interesting stuff!] once(Closure $closure) // only execute $closure after the exact $number of failed tries after($number, Closure $closure) // escape all HTML entities in a string escape($string) // invoke a $closure $number of times times($number, Closure $closure) // iterate through $collection using $iterator each(array $collection, Closure $iterator) // convert $value to an array toArray($value) // group values in $collection by $iterator's return value groupBy(array $collection, Closure $iterator) // determine whether the given object has a key has($object, $key) // copy all properties from $source to $destination extend($source, $destination) // fill in any missing values using $defaults defaults($object, $defaults) // determine whether the given value is a float or an integer isNumber($value)
Link: Belt on GitHub