[Link] Redesigning SoundCloud by Evan Simoni
Again, an interesting approach / proof-of-concept on a redesign of a major website. Evan Simoni has overthought SoundCloud’s UI and
Again, an interesting approach / proof-of-concept on a redesign of a major website. Evan Simoni has overthought SoundCloud’s UI and
The title says it all: A very interesting guide through the optimization process on one of the largest blogs in
This is something great! Two of the most important people in the last 20 years’s mainstream consumer IT history in
Have fun :) [slideshare id=35391362&doc=codereviewsfranksonsipc2014se-140602104917-phpapp02] [slideshare id=35383348&doc=ipc14se-planningfortheunplannable-140602073028-phpapp02] [pdf]http://ilia.ws/files/ipc2014_bottlenecks.pdf[/pdf] The talk Code Coverage: Covered in Depth
Laracast just published an excellent short tutorial on how to get install xdebug in a local environment and how to
Eine grandiose Powerpoint-Präsentation die sich jeder, der mit PHP, MySQL und Apache auf Linux arbeitet, mal anschauen sollte: Nils Langner,
The slides of most of PHP UK CONFERENCE 2014‘s talks are online, very interesting stuff, have a look. And a
Definitly worth a look: Adam Bard created a tiny application in 4 different languages (PHP, Python, Ruby, Closure), just to