GitHub buys, a code-free full website creator worth a look

GitHub has just aquired (which is NOT who offer something similar for infographics / powerpoint !), a powerful and totally code-free in-the-browser website creator tool. As GitHub has a very high impact on the worldwide “coding scene” this might define how lots of people will create simple landing pages in the near future. Especially for pure backend-developers this might be very useful, and even for professional webdesigners and frontend people can be a very fast alternative ! The reason I’m writing this article is:
1.) Easel is (as far as I can judge) the best in-browser website creator for non-developers. There’s is a chance that Easel will become the standard for website creation for these people, so we’ll probably see a lot of pages made with this tool.
2.) Easel can be your solution for quick prototypes, clickable mock-ups and code-free tests, it’s indeed much much faster than setting up everything by hand. For quick-wins, this is perfect.