HipHop VM reaches 100% green Unit Tests in Laravel, Drupal, Slim, CodeIgniter etc.

In September 2013 the PHP HipHop VM dev team wrote a very interesting article [1] about failing Unit Tests of most PHP frameworks when running inside the HipHop VM (HHVM). The reasons for that are really weird, just have a look: [2]. For example, PHPMyAdmin uses mysqli for tests (which is not supported by HHVM, it uses PDO only), and CakePHP has a class named String (using names of types for classes is not allowed by HHVM). And these failing tests were the only reason NOT to use HipHop. So the team worked hard to “fix” (or workaround) these things, and today they relased an excellent notice: We are the 98.5%.
HipHop has now 100% green tests for:
- Laravel
- CodeIgniter
- Drupal
- Facebook SDK
- Idiorm
- Paris
- Slim
- Twig
- Assetic
All other frameworks/tools have rates 95%+, therefore we can (hopefully!?) expect 100% green tests in for all officially supported frameworks in 2014. Excellent, guys, excellent!