Learn AngularJS in 20 (or 90) minutes with Dan Wahlin

Definitly two of the best and most up-to-date short-introductions into AngularJS: Dan Wahlin shows how to build a full little application within 20 minutes on ng-conf (a US AngularJS conference, the very first ever afaik) in early 2014. Beautiful code, easy-to-follow, everything makes sense. You’ll be astonished how easy, clean and fast it is to create modern applications with AngularJS. As this goes into the MVC sheme, it’s very useful to already know how MVC and object-oriented programming in general work. He’s an awesome trainer, awesome speaker and he definitly has the skill to show and explain new stuff in a super-interesting, understandable and reproduceable way while being very sympathic.
Dan Wahlin – AngularJS in 20ish Minutes – NG-Conf 2014 (January 2014)
In addition I can recommend this excellent presentation (also by Dan Wahlin) that holds excellent and very clean code examples.
AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes
from April 2013, note that the syntax was a little bit different at that time. Full code of this tutorial can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/angularjsdemos (.zip)
Some links that might be interesting too
Official introduction into AngularJS, which is suprisingly good. It’s weird that backend languages are usually documented totally messy while frontend stuff is quite often very well presented and fun to read and learn.
YouTube channels worth to subscribe:
Dan Wahlin on the web: