Show ads to ad-blockering visitors – with

Interesting news on the dramatically decreasing web ad market: There’s a new service called PageFair that does basically exactly what GoogleAdsense does, showing banner ads on your site. But, they only show ads to users who are visiting your site with an activated AdBlocker. This is super-hot stuff, as this little company might change the complete web advertisement game. Big plus-point for PageFair: They don’t show annoying bullshit ads, as far as I know no flash-videos, no low-quality things, nothing that starts automatically, nothing that hides content, etc. A short background check shows serious high-level investments into this company, seems like a serious start-up that knows what it does.
“But I don’t want to see ads!”
Yes, and I also don’t want to see ads, whether on a website, while watching TV or on a sports event. But ads are needed to refinance free stuff. Get that. TV shows are produced by a lot of people who need to be paid, online newspapers need money to pay quality reporters, and quality content, on the web or anywhere else, doesn’t come automatically. People work for that. The internet has created an atmosphere where people expect high-quality content for free, but block the only monetarization channel of these content publishers. That’s not fair. It’s parasite behaviour. If you can get quality stuff for free, then accept the rules that the free stuff comes with. You just have to accept some ads. Good publishers will only allow quality advertisements, and with fewer people using adblockers the amount of needed ads would decrease a lot. For the interested ones: There are stats on how much income and jobs AdBlockers have destroyed. And it’s insane…
A first view on PageFair
Ad-displaying via PageFair works exactly like with GoogleAdsense. You create an account and put a small JavaScript-snippet on your page. Then you put empty divs (with special IDs) exactly below your currently active GoogleAdsense boxes. That’s it. A non-ad-blocking user will just see your GoogleAds, like normally. An ad-blocking user will not see the GoogleAds (sure), but will see alternative ads provided by PageFair, even with an activated Ad-blocker. As the company is quite new in this game, there’s not much advertisement to display, and the rates are very low. Without going into detail, I can say that 30%-40% of all page views had an ad-blocker activated, completely blocking all standard ads, from GoogleAds to simple handmade affiliate banners (these adblockers are devilish!). 10% of these blocked views have successfully seen a valid (and theoretically paid) ad impression, while using an ad-blocker. That’s just 3-4% additional ad views, but the company is just starting, so there might be much room for improvement.
Below an image that shows the integration of PageFair’s demo ad on this site while having an adblocker activated!
Link: Interesting stats by PageFair regarding market share of adblockers [pdf]