Soundcloud’s “VP of Engineering” about using SSDs

Excellent [german] statement from Alexander Grosse (Soundcloud’s Vice President of Engineering) about using SSDs for the main application (music data is served via Amazon EC2/S3 afaik, not via SSDs), heard at “Wie Soundcloud skaliert” (How Soundcloud scales), Berlin Expert Days 2013:
Unsere SSDs zucken nichtmal. Die dümpeln bei 10% load vor sich hin…
[english translation] Our SSDs don’t even give a damn. They are at 10% load all the time…
And this is not a casual high-traffic site, this is Soundcloud ! More highly interesting stuff and deep insights into the front- and backend of one of the largest and most existing websites on the planet in Soundcloud’s awesome developer blog. And yes, they really use MySQL… ;)
By the way, Soundcloud is hiring!