Support FLARUM, the future of PHP forum scripts (with some dollars on Kickstarter)

PHP forum scripts are horrible, let’s face it. Nearly everything that’s available is hard to install, hard to handle, hard to maintain, has horrible security issues and looks like 1999. Forum scripts in PHP have not developed within the last 10 years, which is really weird as setting up forums is a quite common use-case in the PHP world.
Two sympathic guys from Australia will fix this: Toby Zerner (who is a medical student in real life btw, that fact alone is awesome) and Stephen Grace have already build the currently most advanced forum software esoTalk (which is by far the best you can have right now) and are currently planning on FLARUM, a highly professional, totally-free (MIT-licenced) forum software that comes with every little feature possible, a beautiful layout and a perfect responsive/mobile version, built on top of modern PHP / MySQL, using a Laravel-powered JSON API. Yeah! Did I mention that registration via Facebook, Twitter etc. is possible ? Just imagine the awesome possibilities that come with a potential OAuth implementation (no details yet, but I’m sure they do).
FLARUM will provide easy-to-use migration tools for moving from phpBB, vBulletin, IP.Board, XenForo, and Vanilla to FLARUM easily.Toby and Stephen are currently trying to collect $50.000 (australian dollars, nearly 40.000 US-dollars) to quit their jobs and work and FLARUM all the day. If you are interested in the future of PHP in any way, then support this valuable project with $10 (8 US-dollars) or less and have a look into the promotion video:
Excellent stuff, awesome attitude! Be kind and invest $10+ in the future of PHP, in the future of easily setting up clean, mobile-compatible, fast and secure forums. Perfect for agencies, freelancers or people who simply want to setup a forum. Ah yes, and it’s all FOR FREE. Also note that you might have a voice here, being part of the development process. You can thank these guys later.
FLARUM’s early prototype previews already look fantastic, have a look on these screens. Note the excellent mobile layout:
Find the project’s Kickstarter-page here on, for easier sharing in social networks please use the short URL:
To keep up-to-date with recent developments, check the Twitter page.