Experimenting with HHVM at Etsy (Link)
Extremely interesting blog post of Etsy on how they try out HHVM / HipHop: https://codeascraft.com/2015/04/06/experimenting-with-hhvm-at-etsy/
The HipHop Virtual Machine, running pre-compiled PHP and Hack (a modern, strongly typed dialect of PHP).
Extremely interesting blog post of Etsy on how they try out HHVM / HipHop: https://codeascraft.com/2015/04/06/experimenting-with-hhvm-at-etsy/
Awesome topic, superfresh, directly from Scale Conference 2014. The title says everthing. Full quote from video’s description: As a top
Another excellent find by Germany’s PHP Magazin in the article “Nginx, NoSQL, HHVM: Goodbye LAMP Stack?“: 41 minutes super-interesting (english)
Another game-changing project: Victor Berchet‘s HHVM Vagrant box is a simple Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Vagrant-box that comes with preinstalled HHVM/HipHop
Lots of movement in the PHP world these days! After releasing Hack (a dramatically improved fork of the entire PHP
Exciting stuff is happening: Some years ago Facebook has released an early preview of HipHop, a virtual machine that precompiles
This is probably the most useful tutorial in 2014 so far. An excellent post by Chris Fidao, explaining how to
Excellent new web tool: Protobox allows extremely easy setup of Vagrant boxes using a wonderful web UI. Beside the standard
“Hack” will come. And “Hack” will change PHP, definitly. In case you never heard of it, have a look into
PHP 5.6 goes alpha PHP 5.6 has been announced for a while now, and these days things get serious (code-freeze,