[RePost] Goodbye LAMP: Going Nginx, NoSQL, HHVM (41min conference talk with Arne Blankerts)
Another excellent find by Germany’s PHP Magazin in the article “Nginx, NoSQL, HHVM: Goodbye LAMP Stack?“: 41 minutes super-interesting (english)
Another excellent find by Germany’s PHP Magazin in the article “Nginx, NoSQL, HHVM: Goodbye LAMP Stack?“: 41 minutes super-interesting (english)
Another game-changing project: Victor Berchet‘s HHVM Vagrant box is a simple Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Vagrant-box that comes with preinstalled HHVM/HipHop
As there are surprisingly no good tutorials on how to set up NGINX with PHP 5.5 properly, here’s an excellent
This is probably the most useful tutorial in 2014 so far. An excellent post by Chris Fidao, explaining how to
Excellent new web tool: Protobox allows extremely easy setup of Vagrant boxes using a wonderful web UI. Beside the standard