Windows XP is officially dead from today. Do you know people still using it ? Punch them.

From today, April 8th 2014, Windows XP is officially dead. Basically XP was already dead in 2009 when – after Windows Vista was introduces years ago – Windows 7 has been released and since became the clear #1 in Desktop operating systems beside OS X. But, even back in 2013, there were still masses of people using Windows XP, an operating system that was beta-released in 2000. Microsoft started expensive campaigns to protect people from themselves, warning about the consequences of using a 13 year old (today it’s even 14 years) operating system. These warnings were so critical that Microsoft even recommended switching to Linux (!) if people don’t want to spend money for a new OS.
Anyway, today, after being open to public for nearly 14 years, Windows XP is dead. No more bugfixes, no more security fixes. And to be honest, using a 14 year old piece of software is completely idiotic, everybody who still says things like “But I paid for it (13 years ago), so have the right to still use it!” deserves a punch in the face. Technology develops really fast, and 14 years are A LOT OF TIME in IT relations. People who use outdated software, especially EXTREMELY outdated software, are why spammers and hackers have such an easy game, why child pornography and DDoS are so common on the web. Because idiots don’t care about the warnings of IT experts.
If you know people who still use Windows XP: Do something good today and punch them (a little bit, on the shoulder or on the arm, no real violence please!). And introduce these people into any modern OS. Tell them that it will be really easy in the future to get full access to their Windows XP machines, including reading, copying, deleting all their mails, pictures, movies, music, getting access to their bank accounts and that their machines will be used for worst criminal activities. It’s a little bit overdramatic, but this is what these people need :)